Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Lydia Beebe Safulko

“We all understand the value of support, love, seeing others, a hug. Thank god we didn’t lose anyone in our family, or any friends. I think we are all just so thankful to have each other. That’s definitely another silver lining.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Whitney Mendel

“I have never felt so depleted as I felt this past January/February of 2021. I had nothing left in the tank…I had a Come to Jesus moment and realized (again) that I care for others before I care for myself. I was feeling a soul level tired. It changed the way I move, and that means that I put myself back on the map.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Alyssa Capri

“Don’t spend much time on social media. Remember that everyone is going through a huge shift in life and they ultimately have to work that out for themselves, and so do you.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Natasha Dalley

“I honestly don’t know what life with two kids under two would have been like before the pandemic so I can’t say if it’s better or worse. It’s hard. It’s so hard. ”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Gaitrie Subryan

“Surrounding myself with people that understand me as a mom and artist is also helpful because they remind me that this is not permanent. And the lessons I am learning here will meet me on the stage.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Alexa Wajed

“The more we share ourselves and the more we share our work, others are getting more comfortable sharing their work. We have been told that we are inspiring others. I am not sure how, I just know we are going to keep moving.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Cassandra Ott

“It has been so hard to plan since everything has been shapeshifting. I have learned new things and...I’m slowly getting back into making.”

Pandemic/Parenthood Interview: Stella Orange

“My creative practice these days isn’t about making work, either commercially or artistically. It’s about being present inside my own skin, inside my own life. I trust that as I do that, I will be who I need to be and move where I need to move.”